14 March 2008

Don't be saying my girls aren't tough. Shelby and Mady are both starting for their Flag football teams. It is an official sport here. We almost took state last year. Shelby plays defense....safety. Madelyn plays reciever and second string quarterback. Mady is on JV and Shelby Varsity. Shelby came home yesturday with some battlescars. She is a one tough chick!


Jen said...

ouch!! go girls, so glad you get to play flagfootball for real-we only got to play one game in high school-and even then it was kindof a joke...have so much fun!!


Dallas Graham said...

I don't understand....

Why are there soars on her knees??

Hm.. I guess I'll never understand football.

Mama said...

I am commenting on Dallas' comment!!! What???? That would be sores on the knees, not soars! You know they do hit the ground occasionally in flag football. Usually the ground stops some pretty fast forward movement. Thus, the knees take it. Was that a good lesson in flag football? Shall we have a game of flat football at the reunion? I think it will be on the schedule and Dallas will be the quarterback!! Or maybe the running back. lol! Mom

Mama said...

Have you guys ever heard of knee pads or long pants? Probably to confining, right. And besides, the wounds of battle are most impressive and to be shared with all your fans! Sacrifice! Go for the goal!! Rah! Rah! Rah! xoxo G.G.

RockStar said...

Flag football rules....brings back many days at BYU when my friends and I would play....gosh...if the coach would've put me in in the fourth quarter...we'd taken state...no doubt, no doubt in my mind...heck I could throw a pig skin a quarter mile...I bet I could throw it over those mountains!