28 March 2007

Goodbye RAIN!!

i'm sitting on my bed in the residence inn in redmond, WA. i'm leaving seattle tomorrow to head down to slc, so stay with the king and queen of the clan for a while. as you all know, it so so hard to move! i'm so excited to have the opportunity to go to germany, but today i had to say the real "goodbye" to my dear friends....it is so hard to part with kindred spirits!

the moving company packed up our shipment to go to germany by "air" on monday. today, they finished packing our "sea" shipment and got it loaded onto the giant semi truck in our driveway...and then are going to finish the job tomorrow by packing and loading all our stuff that will stay in storage...

our house is getting bare...and that always makes me a little sad. so today has been very bitter-sweet. my eyes are burning and needing to close and get some good sleep...

i love you all and am looking forward to the next time i can love you all in person...xoxoxo


littlest said...

oh jen...i can only imagine...so sad to leave a wonderful place. as i read your post i seriously got all teary thinking about the day (only several weeks away) that i must say good-bye to my beautiful virginia. oh how i will miss it. and now the tears are flowing. i have made such wonderful friends here--ones i will have forever. i seriously can't stand to leave them either. as for virginia...it will always have my heart. i have more than loved living in this little utopia for the past 3 years. we have had some of our best memories here. it will be so bitter-sweet...just like you said. we are lucky enough to move by grandparents and cousins!! and we are so excited for a new adventure...but i feel like i will always be a virginian. love you sis...and good luck.

Dallas Graham said...

I wonder what that would feel like...
:) Man, oh, man-oh. Sobering to say the least. Sad. Sniffles. Transitions are hard sometimes. Bridges. Letting go. I respect what you're doing and think you will continue to find your people, wherever you go. Same goes for you, Jones. As long as we're connected, there really isn't too much to bring us down. Thanks for your sentiments - you too, Jones.

Mama said...

I too can relate. . .. I think of when we left Boise after having been there 20 years!! Our little Camelot - - the place we planned and built to make sure our kids had the right environment to grow up in. . .to say nothing of the enormous amount of friends we left. Dad being the Stake Pres. and all that. . .Whoa! My tears dripped for a long time! Even after arriving here in Utah. Some how it took a long time to get that special feeling which we finally have now. I think the one of the few things that make me smile. . . I mean. . .LAUGH, was the actual physical experience leaving with the family - - two cars full of kids and stuff including several cats and a dog. I can still see Brad with such frustration trying to deal with it. He was driving the car with the animals. The cats were on their backs, spread eagle style, which is most unusual for a cat, sweating to death. The dog and the cats didn't mix well. Before we even got out of Boise, we turned around and went and dumped all the cats on Nettie Ann! This was absolutely hysterical! Everyon claimed a cat and wailed because we decided to give them all away in one fell swoop! We just left it in Nettie's hands to get rid of them. . .I am SURE she found good homes for the strays, right? Right! Find some humor, Jeni & Joni. It helps a lot. We are all excited for both of your moves! Angies too! What a year! It think it is all good. Let's all head to Germany and then to Dallas, Texas! Having Joni and Jesse come back to Utah is one of my dreams coming true. Oh, and Jeni, it may be "goodbye rain", but it is "hello snow"!! Had about five inches last night. It is beautiful though! xoxoxo Mom/Queen

Lead Dog said...

Jeni, we totally relate. As you know Lead Dog's clan has had the opportunity to pick up and pack up a number of times in our lives. We were reminded of some of the blessings of our journeyings when we went to create the wedding announcement list last summer. We had great lifelong friendships in Utah, California and Texas. Broad circles. Great feelings. Look out Germany!

Oldest Girl said...

I got teary reading your post as well. I am not moving ANY time soon but I know the feelings all too well. The next few months will be unsettled and you have to reestablish again in all areas. What a pain. Filling out paperwork with address and ss #'s and phone numbers etc is such a pain. I think in Germany it will be a little different too. You are stretching yourself and you will grow so much. I was telling mom the other day that I can imagine a day in a couple of years where the good-buys might be a little more difficult in Germany. At least you know you will be coming back to live here ( I hope). Germany is not so close. You and Tyler will be so great over there. Those people must have done something wonderful to get you over there. I know the ward has been praying for you to come and you will serve the Lord there so well. I love you and know you will have a wonderful adventure. Like Scott said, you will add more to your Christmas List. TEE HEE!