Hi everyone. How is everything going? I am sorry to hear about the hot weather. It is getting Cold up here, but it still is not that cold. The leaves are still falling from there trees and it is not snowing yet. They say that Windsor doesn’t get too much snow, so I am bummed about that. But I am doing just fine. I am keeping worm and everything is going great. My clothes need a little mending, and my shoes are a little worn through. The tops of my shoes are doing just fine, but the soles are just worn right through. When it rains, my feet get all wet. But that’s how it is. I am wondering if I should go and buy some new ones or re-sole the ones that I have right now. What would you suggest? I also need to take my suits to get some minor repairs done, so if you could throw in a few bucks into my account Dad, that would be great. My shoes can hold out a bit longer, but if you could tell me what you want me to do, that would be great.
Mom, I got the package, and I love it. I was smiling from ear to ear. Kayla and Garrett, you look so good. You are growing up way too fast. You really need to stop that. Emma looks a foot taller. And Bo, well, you look the same. That’s a good thing though. How where the tryouts? Did you get the parts? I don’t know why you wouldn’t. You look so good. Garrett and Bo, you need to protect your sister. She is a looker and the guys are going to be all over her if you don’t stop them. You all look so great and happy. I am so glad for that.
Well, my week has been really good. Last Wednesday, we set Cyanic and her family for baptism. They were going to get baptized this Sunday, but they are not ready yet. But they are definitely going to be. It was such a wonderful experience. This is the family with 6 kids. They are all so wonderful and they make me so happy when we meet with them. We had another wonderful lesson with them last night. The spirit was so strong. It was with the mother and her 2 oldest daughters. They were full of questions. They finally realized that we were teaching them that this was the only true church on the face of the earth, and the spirit bore testimony that what we were saying was true. So amazing, I love the spirit.
Suzie is still getting baptized this Sunday. She is more prepared than anyone I have taught. She wants it so bad and is so ready. Please pray for her. She is going to call her husband in Florida and get his permission. He has not been to keen on the idea. So keep her in your prayers.
Maliki is still going to get baptized this sat. He is so excited and all of his family is going to come. It is going to be awesome.
Simone said she was not ready to be baptized yet. But she is still coming to church, and reading. She will come in time.
We found a new investigator. His name is Mike. He wants so bad to find what we are telling him is true. He has had it a bit hard, but he is so ready for the Gospel. He is really going to look and find what he has been looking for, because he is really looking.
God is continuing to bless me with more people everyday. As a Zone, we had 11 new investigators. That is really bad in a week’s time. In our zone, we have 12 missionaries. We had 6 out of that 11. The Lord is blessing me so much. I don’t say that to brag, but to say how the Lord will bless you if you are obedient. In the mission there are 200 missionaries. And last week we had 30 new baptismal dates set in the mission. My district of 8 missionaries has 14 of them. We have been working so hard to be obedient in every way and the Lord is blessing us so much. This is a true principal. Live it and God will/has to bless you. I love him so much. He is there and he loves us so much. I can’t do anything without him. He watches over me so much and it is only because of him that we are finding these prepared people.
So now for the miracle. Do you all remember Maggie from Manitulon Island when I was up in Elliot Lake? Well, she is getting baptized. I need to tell you the whole story for you to truly understand.
It all started when I was in Midland. I had been there for abut 8 weeks, when I met a member named Persila. She is a native story teller. She travels all over Ontario, so she is not around as often as she wants to be. But no mater where she is, she always goes to church. So I got to know Persila really well. She told me all her stories. She said she had a friend that she desperately wanted us to teach but she lived out on Manitulon Island. She jokingly said, "I am going to pray one of you up there." So time went on and I was transferred to Elliot Lake. We were there about two weeks when Manitulon Island was shut down as far as missionaries. They were taken out and we were put in charge of it. It is about 2 hours away from Elliot Lake. So we tried to get down there once a week, but sometimes it was a bit hard. But just before we had taken over it, the missionaries that where on the island had contacted a women named Maggie. This was Elder Eaton and Elder Parks. But she lived about 3 hours away from Elliot Lake apartment. It was quite the drive, but we chose to make it one day. She was so awesome. She was so prepared and ready for the Gospel. She had been looking on e-Bay one day when she came across a LDS quad. She felt prompted to buy it. She did and paid a total of 10 dollars for it. When we Got there, and after discussing a little about the Restoration, she said, “I have something to show you". She promptly leaved and came back with the quad in her hand. She related the story of how she had got it. It was a miracle. We continued to talk and she said that she had a friend that was a member of our faith. She said Persila. I said, "Excuse me." She said Persila again. "Persila Toby?" I asked. She said yes. I then connected the dots of who this person that I was talking to was. This was the friend that Persila had prayed for me to find. What a miracle. God lives. We were able to teach her the Lessons, but I was not able to see her baptized. I was then transferred to Windsor, and on the 13th of November, I got a call saying that Maggie was getting baptized on the 14th and to call her. I very promptly did. She was so excited to get baptized and she related the wonderful story of her conversion. She was going to put off baptism until April, but she didn’t feel that that was the thing to do. So she prayed and asked God when she should be baptized. Wednesday came to her head and she set it up. Latter, she found that Wednesday was a very special day. The 14th of November is her son’s birthday, her husband’s grandma’s birthday and the day that her mother’s baptism was registered. What another miracle. She is so excited and ready. She is going to take her mother’s name to the temple as soon as she can and all of her other family members. What a story from one simple prayer of a faithfull member of the church.
God lives and loves us. I know this is true.
I love you all so much. Dad, I still have not received the box. I would still love some music and talks that I could listen to.
I love you guys. You really are the best family. Never forget that.
Elder Graham