25 August 2008

After So Long . . . A POEM!!!!

Hey, everyone, it's Annabelle, your long-lost grandchild, daughter, niece, or cousin! In case you've forgotten about me, I used to post poems on here, but I kinda stopped for a while. I am also Amy and Craig's daughter, in case you've forgotten. 

Pinky Pie
A tiny dog
Brown, furry, and cute
Long, fluffy eyelashes
Comforting and wet tongue
Loves to eat human food
Hates dog food
And her all-time favorite food is
My Grandmother's recipe 
Pinky Pie.
Thats her name because
She is my pinky pie
A delicious yet funny friend.

Again, I made this up "right on the spot" . . . hmph.


Oldest Girl said...

we loved your poem!grandma, grandpa and mommy!

Oldest Girl said...

Annabelle, I love your poems. You are such a great thinker and a great writer. Keep it up girlie! We love reading what you write! xoxo G.G.